Wakko Warner

Wakko Warner

Wakko may be the youngest brother, but he is still old enough to know better! No fast-talker here, just non-stop action- - he's the cartoon equivalent of a whirling dervish. Whatever he pushes or pulls result in a chain reaction of unintentional chaos. Completely off-the-wall, Wakko is the "wackiest" of "wacky"!

Wakko finds most things amusing (and no one is really sure why). He's outrageous, outlandish, and out to lunch. He's always carrying his "Wacky-sack" from which he can pull virtually any imaginable object and does. Where Yakko is verbally irreverent, Wakko is physically irreverent. He walks backwards as easily as forward and means everything he says except what he means.

Wakko is voiced by yet another one of my most favorite voice actors, Jess Harnell, who also did the voice of Death in the episode "Meatballs or Consequences" and Otto von Schnitzelpusskrankengescheitmeyer (long name, huh?) in the episode "Schnitzelbank."

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